It can take just 4 minutes for a small fire to take hold across a single storey of your home.
When time is of the essence you cannot always wait for the fire brigade to arrive.
Wakefield Security can recommend a range of solutions to prevent and tackle small blazes in the home.
From early warning alerts, fire blankets and extinguishers to low level emergency lighting assisting you on escaping the property unharmed.
Peace of mind
There were 37,000 house fires in the UK last year. The majority of these occurred when residents were sleeping between the hours of 22:00 and 6:00. When you only have minutes to escape every second counts.
It has been proven that you are 4 times more likely to survive a house fire when smoke or heat detecting alarms are in place?
In the year to Sept 2018, 38% of battery operated smoke alarms did not sound during a fire. The biggest cause? Missing, flat or disconnected batteries.
Wakefield Security can supply, fit and maintain fire security systems to your home, increasing the chances that you and your loved ones will get out safe should you suffer a house fire.
Did you know the majority of children under 12 years old are unresponsive to standard audio smoke alarms during the night?
In 2019 BBC Watchdog Live carried out a test on eight children aged between 16 months to 10 years old, proving that they do not respond to standard audio fire alarms.
Of the eight children filmed by the consumer programme only one showed any sign of being woken by the alarm.

Fire investigators from Derbyshire Fire and Rescue along with the University of Dundee, also carried out testing on 644 children and found that only 28% woke up to the standard alarm.
The packaging on standard shop bought smoke alarms carry no warning about children potentially not waking up, despite research demonstrating that some children do not respond to standard alarms.
Wakefield Security’s engineers can advise on specialised low frequency audio alarms for rooms where your children sleep.